About Me

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One might think that the very young are quite different than older folks. I propose that we are all the same in one major way... We love a good story, and the best stories come from real life. History is full of tantalizing, sorrowful, tragic, and wonderful stories. Most exciting of all is the fact that we are all writing our own stories at this very moment. The choices we make will affect others' stories, and in no time at all, we become the stories that will be told in the future. I have had the opportunity to travel the tiniest bit, and each time I visit a new-to-me place in the world, I feel as though I have been changed. Touched by the people I meet and their stories, I can't wait to share those stories with my students, my colleagues, and my family. If any of the discoveries I make along the way are useful to you as well, all the better.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Official Visits

July 8, 2013

This day was filled with official and formal visits.  We heard a presentation by Dr. Guo Hongwei, Assistant Professor, Doctor School of Mechanical Engineering.  He researches traffic behavior, green transportation systems, the traffic flow model, and simulations.  He spoke to us about the autonomic situation in China.  Basically, Professor Guo analyzes China’s economic development through the years through from the perspective of a car guy [His label, I swear].  What is a knock-down kit?

At Beijing University we learned about economics and management from Professor Lu Ying, Deputy Division Chief.  More academic and formal visits have been to Xi'an's Northwest University, where Professor Zhang Honglu spoke about the Silk Road and Cultural Exchange between China and the West, to Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine (more later), where not only did we sit the lecture, but toured the hospital to observe/experience some TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). 

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